President’s Message


I stand before you in the footsteps of the past twenty-four Presidents of the Captain John Collins Chapter and I am genuinely honored and humbled to be your President. Allow me to acknowledge the work and contributions of the past Presidents, officers, and members who have helped us to become the successful Chapter we are today. A special thanks to President John McAskill for his service to the Captain John Collins Chapter bringing his skills and abilities to the job.

We, the members of the Sons of the American Revolution, should not limit our commemorations for the 250th Anniversary and the 25th Anniversary of the Captain John Collins Chapter, our mission is much broader. As necessary today as ever, the Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, educating, and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country. We will continue to focus on membership; recruitment, retention, and reinstatement as well as mentorship, an area that can benefit our retention and reinstatement efforts. Let me express my pride in the Sons of the American Revolution and in you, the membership who are the backbone of the Captain John Collins Chapter and the Sons of the American Revolution. The Chapter membership puts in the work and each of us is a volunteer, and every member is valued. I want to Thank each of you for your ongoing friendship and support of me and the Chapter.

Let us remember the revolution was, above all, a revolution of ideas which are timeless and endure to this day. I look forward to working with each of you and your continued support of the Captain John Collins Chapter and the Sons of the American Revolution.

God bless you, the Captain John Collins Chapter, the Sons of the American Revolution, and the United States of America.

William Edelen, Jr
President, Captain John Collins Chapter SAR